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Non-Hormonal Menopause Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Menopause Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an evidence based treatment for many symptoms associated with menopause. We are pleased to be the first service to offer Menopause CBT in New Zealand. 

Menopause & Wellness NZ Services
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services
Improve physical & mental wellbeing

How Menopause CBT can help you?

We understand that many women want to explore non hormonal menopause treatment as either an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or in addition to using HRT.

We offer Non-Hormonal Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) which has been approved by both the British Menopause Society and the North American Menopause Society as being an effective treatment for hot flushes, night sweats, sleep problems, insomnia, low mood, depression, anxiety, and stress. This treatment is suitable for all women including those who have had or have a family history of breast cancer.

It is important to note that Menopause CBT is different from other Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). Our treating clinicians are all qualified CBT therapists who have undertaken specific training in both Menopause CBT and Menopause Care and Treatment. We provide this treatment using the framework endorsed by the British and North American Menopause Societies.

Holistic treatment for mind and body

Who can benefit from Menopause CBT?

It is an effective treatment for women who are experiencing menopause symptoms due to:

  • Perimenopause, Menopause and Post Menopause.
  • Early menopause or Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
  • For women who are unable to have hormone therapy
  • For women who wish to use non-hormonal menopause treatment.
  • For women who wish to use non-hormonal treatment in addition to their hormone therapy. 
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Menopause CBT Sessions

Whether you prefer to have a private session or would enjoy the benefits of a shared experience our Menopause CBT sessions are an effective treatment for menopause.

One-on-One Private Session
One Hour Session
Including GST
Group Session
One Hour Session
Group size of 6
"Monica is a life saver! Before I saw her I was in a vicious cycle because of my night sweats and hot flushes. My sleep was badly affected and this was making me feel more and more anxious. I really didn’t want to use HRT and had heard that there was an alternative that works just as well called menopause CBT. I booked in to give it a try and am so glad that I did. Monica took the time to help me really understand what was going on and supported me to challenge the unhelpful thought that I had and helped me overcome these. I never realised how much my own thinking about the situation was feeding the problem. Now I see the hot flashes so differently when they happen and have come to accept them in a way, which I know sounds a bit weird but it works! Monica shared so many helpful techniques to get me through during our sessions. I don’t experience the same number of hot flushes any more and they don't last as long when do. Now I am sleeping so much better, feeling much more in control and not anxious all the time anymore! I can wholeheartedly and highly recommend Monica’s service."
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Jill, 55

“Since working with Monica, my GP is treating me for perimenopause symptoms. I am now sleeping better, feeling happier with less mood swings and my hot flushes and night sweats have completely gone. My energy levels are better too and for the first time in a long time I feel able to exercise and start to make some changes that will support my long-term health. I am now looking forward to the future which is a very different place to where I was before”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Michelle, 46

“Monica supported me to understand what happens in Perimenopause and Menopause, helping me to understand the changes I have been experiencing. She supported me to understand that many of the things I was experiencing were to do with menopause (I had not made the link between all my symptoms, thinking that they were just a part of getting older) and she reassured me that it is not normal not to sleep well, feel anxious, tired, and physically sore at the end of a working day. She worked with me on a treatment plan and three months on I honestly feel like I have been given my life back”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Toni, 51

"When I went to see Monica my anxiety was through the roof and my sleep was at an all time low. Sometimes I was only getting 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. I didn’t know how I could carry on like that and I was not coping. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I was doubtful at first the menopause CBT could help me with my problems but I was desperate and ready to try anything. I felt listened to and supported throughout my sessions. Monica understood what was happening to me. I was totally supported to learn new tools and strategies and empowered to make changes that have been a real turning point in my life. I’m sleeping better for the first time in a long time and feel less anxious. I have a more positive outlook which has helped me move through one of the most challenging times of my life. I am so thankful to Monica for her help."
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Aroha, 53.

“After four years of suffering symptoms a work colleague talked to me about the work Monica is doing to help women with menopause. I was scared of HRT so I sat on it for a couple of weeks and then took the plunge to see her. When I saw her I was feeling scared that things would never be the same again and that my life was on a downward spiral. Thank you for helping me Monica! She validated what I felt and explained why I was feeling like this. I felt like I finally had an ally who really got what was going on with me. With her help I am back to my old self enjoying life again”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Lucy, 54.


For more information and advice get in touch today.

How can I fix my hormonal imbalance naturally in menopause?

Many women who are experiencing difficult menopause symptoms will ask how they can fix their hormonal imbalance naturally. Sometimes it can be more helpful to ask a slightly different question. What natural treatments are available to help me manage difficult symptoms associated with my hormonal imbalance in menopause?

Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a natural, non- hormonal and effective treatment for several common menopause symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, low mood, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia and sleep difficulties which have been endorsed by both The British and North American Menopause Societies.

What are the signs I need Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

When women experience difficult menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, mood swings, low mood, depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia, and sleep problems they often start to ask if they need Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Menopause symptoms are caused by fluctuating and declining hormone levels and a variety of treatment options exist to treat troublesome symptoms. These include HRT, non-hormonal medications and natural treatments such as Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) which has been
endorsed by both The British and North American Menopause Societies. Our team provide support to women with Menopause CBT.

What if I don’t need/take Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?

Until recently when a woman has been able to self-manage her menopausal symptoms and transition without requiring any menopause treatment this has understandably been considered to be a major win. Our approach is different. We believe that all women who are experiencing or have experienced menopause, require specialised care and treatment regardless of whether they have troublesome symptoms or not.

The hormonal changes experienced by women during menopause often act as a catalyst to other physical health changes that significantly heighten a woman’s risk for future heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, diabetes, osteoporosis and premature death. These changes often occur during both perimenopause and menopause but are not routinely screened for medically. This causes serious physical health conditions to develop in menopausal women that are often undetected and untreated. These changes are often symptomless and progress over time with many women being unaware that these changes are occurring until they have developed conditions such as cardiovascular disease. This is the number one cause of death in women aged 60+ globally.

The good news is that these physical health changes are easily detectable and treatable to prevent long-term ill health and premature death. We know that these significant health changes are occurring during menopause and we recognise that every woman can significantly reduce her risk for future heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, diabetes, osteoporosis, poor physical ill health and potential early death through menopause health screening and lifestyle treatment. This is an important part of menopause care and treatment for all women. Our team support women with this through our menopause health checks and lifestyle treatment.

What menopause treatment can I have if I have had breast cancer or have a family history of breast cancer?

We support women with non-hormonal, natural Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), menopause health check screening and lifestyle treatment which are suitable for all women.

What menopause treatment is needed for women who experience early menopause or menopause due to Premature Ovarian Insufficiency?

Early menopause can be a difficult transition for women who experience it. Multiple treatment approaches can help women with their symptoms and support them to feel well again. These include treatment with hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), non-hormonal medication treatment, natural Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and lifestyle adjustment and treatment. We help women explore and plan which treatment choices are right for them through our one-to-one consult sessions.

Transform the health and wellbeing of your organisation.

Book a free 15 minute consultation to find out how we can support you to build a thriving culture for menopausal women in your workplace.