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Access Funded Menopause Support Through Your Workplace

Menopause and Wellness in partnership with workplace Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) providers, Vitae and Instep, are supporting women to access funded menopause care and treatment. Our partnership supports women with wellness during both perimenopause and menopause.

Menopause & Wellness NZ Services
Holistic treatment for mind and body

How it works.

Every woman’s experience of menopause is different and as such women need a treatment plan specifically focused on their needs. Here are some examples of the funded treatments you can access through our EAP partnerships:

  • One to One specialist menopause assessment.
  • Detailed discussions of individual treatment options including both hormonal and non hormonal options.
  • Support to access Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) where clinically supported.
  • Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
  • Specialist menopause cognitive, cardiovascular and bone health lifestyle review.
  • Specialist Menopause Lifestyle Treatment focused on supporting women with nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management during menopause.
Supporting women along their Menopause journey

How Do I Access This?

  • Ask your employer if they have an EAP contract with Vitae or Instep and if their wellbeing support covers access to menopause care and treatment. Alternatively if you're with Vitae you can contact their team directly on 0508 664 981 to find out.
  • If so you will have access to our range of services funded by your employer.
  • Our services can be accessed through Vitae and Instep wellbeing services referral process.
  • Feel free to get in touch if you are an EAP provider and would like further information about accessing our EAP services. We are the only provider  who can support a comprehensive package of menopause treatments including -  Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopause CBT and Specialist Lifestyle Treatment focussed on nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management during menopause.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services
" I am so glad I found Cory! I was having really bad night sweats and hot flushes and my sleep was dreadful, hardly getting any sleep at all. I didn't want to use HRT so thought I'd give CBT a try. Wow, I honestly cannot believe the difference it has made. Now when I wake in the night I don't get so anxious so the vicious cycle has gone, I keep waiting for it to return but so far so good!! Sometimes am sleeping through the night even, and the hot flushes are way less! When I do wake though its strange because I have now come to accept this, along with having the hot flushes. I think I'll use the many helpful techniques Cory shared with me during our sessions for whatever life throws at me next, and I am teaching them to friends and family now too!
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Gillian, 55

“Monica and her team changed my life, my approach and saved me from just "putting up with it".The start of my journey was terrible, misdiagnose for my symptoms, prescribed medication I did not need and constantly feeling unwell, then I met Monica when she delivered a perimenopause and menopause workshop. This was a game changer. The knowledge, understanding and support I have received has been amazing. I have gone from existing to thriving. I have my confidence back and I feel like myself again.I am constantly telling my friends and colleagues and encouraging them to make use of the services available to them. I would totally recommend making contact with the team.”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services


“Monica supported me to understand what happens in Perimenopause and Menopause, helping me to understand the changes I have been experiencing. She supported me to understand that many of the things I was experiencing were to do with menopause (I had not made the link between all my symptoms, thinking that they were just a part of getting older) and she reassured me that it is not normal not to sleep well, feel anxious, tired, and physically sore at the end of a working day. She worked with me on a treatment plan and three months on I honestly feel like I have been given my life back”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Toni, 51

"When I went to see Monica my anxiety was through the roof and my sleep was at an all time low. Sometimes I was only getting 3 to 4 hours of sleep a night. I didn’t know how I could carry on like that and I was not coping. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I was doubtful at first the menopause CBT could help me with my problems but I was desperate and ready to try anything. I felt listened to and supported throughout my sessions. Monica understood what was happening to me. I was totally supported to learn new tools and strategies and empowered to make changes that have been a real turning point in my life. I’m sleeping better for the first time in a long time and feel less anxious. I have a more positive outlook which has helped me move through one of the most challenging times of my life. I am so thankful to Monica for her help."
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Aroha, 53.

“After four years of suffering symptoms a work colleague talked to me about the work Monica is doing to help women with menopause. I was scared of HRT so I sat on it for a couple of weeks and then took the plunge to see her. When I saw her I was feeling scared that things would never be the same again and that my life was on a downward spiral. Thank you for helping me Monica! She validated what I felt and explained why I was feeling like this. I felt like I finally had an ally who really got what was going on with me. With her help I am back to my old self enjoying life again”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Lucy, 54.

Transform the health and wellbeing of your organisation.

Book a free 15 minute consultation to find out how we can support you to build a thriving culture for menopausal women in your workplace.