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Sleeping better through Menopause

60% of women in menopause suffer some form of insomnia or sleep related issue so you are not alone if getting a good night sleep feels like a struggle.

As your hormone levels fluctuate during menopause your sleep can be effected which can impact your emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. Poor sleep unfortunately tends to continue through perimenopause into menopause and beyond  if we don’t address it. Many women have tried good sleep hygiene habits but find these don’t work, why?  It’s because of our stress hormones, especially cortisol. In order to sleep better we need to learn new skills and abilities which work to lower our cortisol levels to allow us to sleep well.

Sleep issues with Menopause
Sleep better through Menopause

A natural, non hormonal therapy to relieve the symptoms of insomnia

Whether you are finding it hard to fall asleep, or are currently waking through the night or waking too early,  your sleep can be greatly improved with Menopause Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  This being a proven, effective treatment for women struggling with sleep. 

Menopause Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) has been approved by both the British Menopause Society and the North American Menopause Society as being an effective treatment for hot flushes, night sweats, sleep problems, insomnia, low mood, depression, anxiety, and stress.

Retrain your brain to sleep better

We welcome you to join our small group sessions

The sessions are based on the principles of cognitive-behavioural therapy which has been proven in scientific studies as a highly effective treatment for sleep issues in Menopause.
In our 4-week group sessions you will learn:

  • How sleep issues develop in Perimenopause and Menopause
  • The powerful role cortisol plays in our sleep
  • Learn new techniques and tools which help reduce cortisol levels - which in turn help you sleep better
  • Develop skills to manage troublesome thoughts and anxious feelings which can often quickly develop during times of sleeping difficulties
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services
"I am unable to take HRT and was desperate when I found Monica and her team. Perimenopause has been a living hell for me and I nearly gave up my career because of it. I am so grateful for the help Cory has given me with menopause CBT. I am sleeping better, am no longer waking up every night drenched in night sweats and my anxiety is no longer spiralling out of control every 5 minutes. The help and support I have had has restored my faith. There is treatment that works for women who can’t take HRT. I can’t recommend Cory highly enough to anyone who needs help with perimenopause."
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services


“Since working with Monica, my GP is treating me for perimenopause symptoms. I am now sleeping better, feeling happier with less mood swings and my hot flushes and night sweats have completely gone. My energy levels are better too and for the first time in a long time I feel able to exercise and start to make some changes that will support my long-term health. I am now looking forward to the future which is a very different place to where I was before”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Linda, 47

“After four years of suffering symptoms a work colleague talked to me about the work Monica is doing to help women with menopause. I was scared of HRT so I sat on it for a couple of weeks and then took the plunge to see her. When I saw her I was feeling scared that things would never be the same again and that my life was on a downward spiral. Thank you for helping me Monica! She validated what I felt and explained why I was feeling like this. I felt like I finally had an ally who really got what was going on with me. With her help I am back to my old self enjoying life again”.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Lucy, 54

I booked in for an appointment with Monica and the information shared was actually life-changing in my understanding of what's been happening to me over the past few years. Before seeing her I had been given some antidepressant tablets which didn’t help. It was comforting for her to tell me that I wasn’t depressed (which I already knew) and that antidepressant medicine doesn’t work for problems women have with their mood when it’s due to menopause. She talked me through what choices I had for treatment and helped me to get the treatment I needed to feel better. I would never have been able to get this if I had not had her help.
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Helen 49

“ Monica listened to me about the changes I had been having and then she spoke to me about how these were to do with menopause. I honestly hadn’t made the connection that what was happening to me. I thought I was just getting older and had to put up with it. She helped me realise that I didn’t need to put up with not sleeping and being anxious and tired all of the time. I was so irritable and felt angry at nothing a lot of the time. I also had sore joints and my skin was constantly itchy.  She worked with me on a treatment plan and three months on I honestly feel like I have been given my life back”.  
Menopause & Wellness NZ Services

Toni, 53


For more information and advice get in touch today..

Does menopause insomnia go away?

Often, poor sleep sticks around throughout perimenopause and after menopause.

What is the best medicine or vitamins for sleep during menopause?

Hormone Replacement Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Lifestyle treatments have all been proven effective for helping women sleep better through Menopause

Why do I wake up at 3am in perimenopause?

During perimenopause the body produces less and less estrogen and progesterone. These changes in hormones affect many systems and processes in the body, including several that impact sleep

What are the signs of low estrogen?

Because estrogen does so much in the body, imbalances can lead to a wide range of symptoms that can impact on your sleep. These can include issues like hot flushes, sweating at night, problems getting to and staying asleep, anxiety, depressed mood, joint pains, urinary urgency and headaches.

Transform the health and wellbeing of your organisation.

Book a free 15 minute consultation to find out how we can support you to build a thriving culture for menopausal women in your workplace.